Capital Campaign for New Building

Front view of new building.

The Raquette Lake Volunteer Fire Department needs your financial support to help fund the construction of our new fire station.

In this our 75th anniversary year, we are excited to be in the final stages of a campaign to fund the construction of this important next step in protection and emergency response for the property owners, residents and visitors to Raquette Lake.  After many years in planning, we will begin construction this summer. Your generous gift will help us realize this achievement.

Our current fire hall has passed its useful life and needs to be replaced. The plans call for a modern 21st century building that will last for multiple decades. It will accommodate and protect our ambulance and fire trucks in a safe, sheltered and secure building.

Current Fire Station

The volunteer members of the Fire Department and Ambulance Squad appeal to you to make a contribution. We have already received a great deal of support from members of the Raquette Lake community, both year round and summer residents, please consider joining them with your gift.

The Raquette Lake Fire Department is an IRS designated 501(c)(3)
organization. Contributions to the Fire Department are tax-deductible to the
full extent of the law. Donations may be mailed to

RLVFD Building Fund
PO Box 160
Raquette Lake, NY 13436.

The Fire Department and those we serve thank you for your support.
The Officers and Members of the Raquette Lake Volunteer Fire Department